Monday, November 21, 2011

Busy, Busy, Busy

Sorry, have been unable to post for a while.  Trying to finish up some bath towels (3 sets of 4 each) for my "bestest" friend. Almost done.

Had a little time in the garden the other day and took some pictures.  Haven't done that in a while yet either.  So, I thought I would share my other love with you.

One of my three-season azalaes.  The other ones are not in bloom and are just not having it.

Love my chiminea.  Fired it up this weekend for the first time this "winter" and enjoyed the fire with a glass of Moscato.  You can see my other orange tree (on left), kumquats in middle, and lemon tree on right.

These mums have come back beautifully every year for the past three years.  They are called "Helen" - my mom and mother-in-law's name.  I remember them each year with these mums.

Close up of the kumquats and lemon tree.  Have a very nice produce this year.  As you can see there are many more yet to come.

Close up of my lemon thyme.  Love the smell and taste of this plant.

This is the center fountain of the yard (have a small little girl fountain on the patio).  The water sound is sooooo soothing.

This is the other orange tree at the back of the yard.  As you can see, she's produce a good load this year.  Must be because of the gardenia plant that is planted to her right.

Close up of one of the rosemary plants in the yard.

My peppermint on the patio.

Oregano, rosemar, lamb's ear, and lemon grass by the pear tree.

Of course, my granddog, Trinia, just had to get in on the fun.

Just playing around.

Now, she's serious.

But, isn't she a beauty!?
 Hope you enjoyed your visit.

Thanks for stopping...bye!!

1 comment: said...

minus Trina, I think the yard is very nice. It looks like I was there. Its great!